Green Trails Improvement Association
Park District Committee
The GTIA Parks Committee serves as a liaison between Lisle Park District and GTIA Board. With 18 of its parks within Green Trails, Lisle Park District (LPD) shares in the responsibility of making Green Trails a desirable place to live. Park District property includes neighborhood parks, all of our ponds, plus the Surrey Ridge and Woodglenn athletic complexes.
Lisle Park District Board meetings
The Parks Committee schedules GTIA Board members to attend the regular monthly Park Board meetings. If the situation warrants, the GTIA Board member attending the meeting is available to transmit a Green Trails perspective on the issue under discussion or bring it to GTIA for feedback. The GTIA Board member attending the meeting reports on the Park Board meeting he/she attended at the following GTIA meeting either orally or in writing.
Park Surveys
The Parks Committee coordinates an annual inspection of Lisle Park District parks within Green Trails by assigning a park(s) to each board member to inspect. The board member documents any issues with his/her assigned park(s) on the form supplied by the Parks Committee. The Committee collects the forms and discusses them with appropriate Park District personnel, usually prior to LPD budget time. This is one means of assessing maintenance or other issues for specific parks.
The Committee meets infrequently, on an as needed basis.